From assessing flood risk to planning flood projects, small communities on the front lines of flooding face enormous costs that they often cannot cover alone. Several federal agencies have programs that fund such projects, but navigating these funding opportunities can be time-consuming and difficult.
The American Flood Coalition’s Flood Funding Finder makes it easier for small communities to access federal funding. Using a robust filtering system, the Finder allows communities to prioritize unique needs, helping them identify the right federal programs to fund flood resilience.
Though the Flood Funding Finder is targeted toward communities with populations of 50,000 or fewer, communities of any size may find its information helpful.
How to improve federal funding
Leaders on the front lines of flooding are the strongest voices in advocating for systematic changes to the federal funding landscape. By joining the American Flood Coalition, local leaders can be part of a unified voice to create tangible, accessible solutions for communities of every size.
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Federal support for flood adaptation projects is not keeping pace with the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather. The federal government must invest more in flood adaptation to help communities proactively invest in resilience before disasters strike.
Read our blog
While communities of all sizes need increased funding options for adaptation projects, the need is greatest for smaller communities. The America Flood Coalition is engaging with communities all the way up to federal leaders to address such challenges. We also send out funding opportunities through our monthly newsletter.
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The American Flood Coalition worked with the following partners and agencies develop this tool:
- American Shore and Beach Preservation Association
- Audubon
- Bipartisan Policy Center
- Coastal States Organization
- Economic Development Administration
- Fair Share Housing Center
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Florida Rep. Christine Hunschofsky
- National Association of Clean Water Agencies
- National Association of Counties
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Rural Community Assistance Partnership
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers