Warwick Group Consultants

Water Resources Consulting Firm

For more than 35 years, the experts at Warwick Group Consultants have helped businesses and governmental entities to successfully navigate the complicated world of Federal coastal infrastructure policies, regulations and projects. We connect our clients with policymakers and regulators, provide inside intelligence on water resources policy and funding trends, and develop funding, communication, and management strategies. Our focus is on applying our skills, knowledge and contacts in support of the nation’s water infrastructure – America’s ports, navigable waterways, dams & levees, coastal storm protection, and hydroelectric power. In addition, Warwick Group Consultants has assisted in writing the Regional Sediment Management Authority, key sections of the post-Superstorm Sandy legislation and the provisions within the biennial Water Resources Development Acts. Warwick Group has worked directly with the Army Corps of Engineers and other Federal agencies as well as States and other key coastal stakeholders on strategic collaboration in areas such as Coastal Storm Risk Reduction, Regional Sediment Management, disaster mitigation, beneficial use of sediment, the Water Resource Development Act, and project facilitation. At Warwick, we leverage our experience, expertise and contacts to meet today’s water resource infrastructure needs, and the specific needs of our clients.

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