Tom Yardley

County Commissioner of San Patricio County, TX

Following his retirement in 2015 from a distinguished 27-year career in the Navy, County  Commissioner Yardley continued his public service in Portland, Texas. He was elected to the  Portland City Council in 2018 and re-elected for a second term in 2020. During his tenure,  Commissioner Yardley actively contributed to various boards and organizations, including the San  Patricio County Economic Development Corporation, Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program,  and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  

On January 1, 2023, Commissioner Yardley was elected and sworn in as the San Patricio County  Commissioner for Precinct 2. Since assuming oƯice, he has been appointed to several influential  boards, including the Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation, the Corpus  Christi Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Advisory Committee, Coastal Plains  Integrated Health, and the Costal Bend Air Quality Partnership. His leadership and extensive  experience both in the military and local governance reflect his unwavering commitment to public  service and community development in Portland and beyond.  

Commissioner Yardley is a graduate from the University of Idaho and holds an MBA from the Naval  Postgraduate School. He and his wife, Andi, continue to reside in Portland, Texas. 

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