Preservation Maryland

Advocacy Organization

Since 1931, Preservation Maryland has worked to protect the places, stories, and communities in Maryland that matter. As a non-profit organization, it works with partners across the state to accomplish this important mission and protect the best of Maryland. The organization’s mission has remained constant since 1931: to preserve Maryland’s heritage.

Preservation Maryland consistently works to be a resource for the individuals and grassroots organizations working to save places that matter to their communities. To make measurable impacts, the organization divides its work into three specific, targeted and strategic efforts: advocacy, outreach and education, and funding.

Since its creation in 1931, highlights of the organization’s accomplishments include participated in the creation of the National Council of Historic Sites and Buildings; spearheading the creation of Maryland’s state historic rehab 20% tax credit; providing nearly $1 million in grants, in partnership with the Maryland Historical Trust, via the Preservation Maryland Heritage Fund; advocating for the creation of Maryland’s Heritage Area program; funding the creation of dozens of historic districts in Baltimore City, in partnership with the Abell Foundation, via the Preservation Maryland Historic Communities Investment Fund; coordinating 35 straight years of professional development seminars and conferences; and participating in countless pitched battles to defend Maryland history.

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