Pompano Beach

Broward County, Florida

Pompano Beach is a city just north of Fort Lauderdale, in Broward County, Florida. The City has a population just shy of 110,000, spans just over 25 square miles and has 3 miles of Atlantic Ocean waterfront beaches. Its northernmost point on the Atlantic Ocean is the Hillsboro Inlet which forms the Atlantic lntracoastal Waterway.

Due to its low lying terrain and many tidal canals, Pompano Beach is highly vulnerable to sea Ievel rise. As a result, inundation, episodic flooding, drainage issues and saltwater intrusion are significant threats. According to data collected through the Unified Southeast Florida Sea Level Rise Projection, Pompano Beach can expect to see 6-10 inches of sea level rise by 2030 and an increase of 14-16 inches by 2060.

The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact counties and partners {which includes Pompano Beach) will use information contained in the Unified Southeast Florida Sea Level Rise Projection for planning purposes, to aid in understanding potential vulnerabilities and to provide a basis for developing risk-informed adaptation strategies for the region.

Pompano Beach is also utilizing additional information gathered through Broward County’s efforts to find local responses to sea level rise.  Other tools and data sources Pompano may employ include: Municipal Vulnerability Assessments, National Climate Assessment, NOAA nowCOAST, NOAA Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer, and the NOAA Storm Surge Inundation Map.

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