Permian Basin MPO

State Government Agency

The Permian Basin MPO is a regional agency mandated under federal law to conduct a cooperative, continuous and comprehensive transportation planning process. The agency plans and commits funds for the construction of transportation improvements across multiple transportation modes as well as for sub area corridor studies. MPO funding comes from the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration through the Texas Department of Transportation. The area of MPO responsibility includes portions of Martin, Midland and Ector Counties, and the Cities of Midland and Odessa. Planning and transportation project prioritization decisions and MPO staff directives are made by the Policy Board which consists of elected officials from the five entities named above and two other Board positions filled by the TxDOT Odessa District Engineer and the EZ Rider General Manager. A key priority of the Policy Board is to ensure that federal and state tax dollars are spent wisely and in accordance with the region’s most vital needs. Special emphasis is placed on effective public involvement throughout the process.


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