Patriot Services Group

Civic Organization

Patriot Services Group offers America’s “At-Risk” Veterans assistance with permanent housingindependent transportation, and supportive services. We serve Veterans and their families by connecting with local community service providers and coordinating efforts. As a supplement to local programs and providers, PSG empowers Veterans and their specialists and boosts more efficient, effective, and focused allocation of vital resources, drastically improving the chances of success.

Affordable housing and independent transportation are key resources for social service providers but are far too often in short supply. By developing partnerships with both public and private agencies and executing an integrated approach, PSG and other Veteran-focused organizations drastically improve Veteran’s access to social determinants and improve the overall well-being of individuals, families and communities.

Patriot Services Group empowers America’s homeless programs and services, stimulating more efficient, effective, and focused use of vital resources, drastically improving Veteran outcomes and the prospect of living a rich, purposeful civilian life.

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