Paige Ellis

City Councilmember for Austin, TX

Paige Ellis was elected in 2018 to represent District 8 – Southwest Austin. Her professional background includes Marketing and Public Involvement. For 8 years prior to being elected, she worked for an environmental firm specializing in environmental compliance on housing development and regional transportation projects. She has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

She has been a volunteer coordinator for the Texas Book Festival and Keep Austin Beautiful and a proud supporter of the Barton Springs Conservancy, the Zilker Botanical Garden, and The Trail Foundation.

She is Chair of the Mobility Committee and serves on the Austin Water Oversight Committee, Housing and Planning Committee, and Austin Energy Oversight Committee. She is proud to represent Austin as the First Vice Chair on the Capital Area Council of Governments’ Clean Air Coalition Advisory Committee, and as an appointee to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Transportation Policy Board, Clean Air Force of Central Texas Board of Directors, and the Texas Colorado River Floodplain Coalition. As of 2021, she serves as a member of the American Flood Coalition.

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