The City of Miami Beach is a coastal community, connected by bridges to mainland Miami and surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Biscayne Bay. It is a south Florida island city with beaches from North Shore Open Space Park to South Pointe Park. The city has a rich history as an entertainment and cultural destination.
In 2020, the Mayor and City Commission passed a resolution creating a new Miami Beach Resilience Fund and allocating $666,666.66 annually for a new Private Property Flooding and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Grant. The program provides matching funds of up to $20,000 to residents preventing flood damage in their low elevation properties.
Miami Beach has been proactive through planning and projects to reduce the risk of flooding and has been able save residents and businesses $6 million annually in flood insurance premiums through strong participation in the Community Rating System (CRS) of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The city helps reduce flood risk through investing in public infrastructure to help streets and sidewalks drain as quickly as possible by raising roads, installing stormwater pumps, raising sea walls, implementing green infrastructure, and creating higher elevation standards for new construction.