Mark Sanford

Former Congressman, South Carolina

For over 30 years, I have seen the ever-so-gradual effects of rising sea levels at our farm on the South Carolina coast. To me, the idea that we should be good stewards of what we’ve been given simply makes sense, and I look forward to working with the Coalition toward economically-viable options to conserve our natural resources.

Mark Sanford is a Congressman from the state of South Carolina. His district runs along the east coast of the state, from Hilton Head to the Santee River, and includes part of the city of Charleston. Previously, he represented his district as a Congressman from 1995 until 2001 and served as the Governor of South Carolina from 2003 until 2011.

During his time as Governor, Sanford aimed to make the state a more inviting place to invest and build businesses, and his actions cumulatively led to $24 billion in capital investment, the most ever recorded from any administration in South Carolina’s history. His administration instituted additional changes that bettered the lives of people in South Carolina, including structural changes to the Department of Transportation and the most land preservation of any governorship.

Sanford proposed the first operational executive budget in South Carolina’s history, was the first governor in the nation to refuse federal stimulus funding, and fought against the stimulus all the way to the South Carolina Supreme Court. By the end of his second term, the CATO Institute had ranked him as the most fiscally conservative governor in the country.

Sanford received his B.A. in Business from Furman University and obtained his M.B.A. from the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business.

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