Hampton Roads Planning District Commission


The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) is a regional organization established to encourage and facilitate cooperation among local, state, and federal governments and agencies to address, on a regional basis, problems or issues that transcend jurisdictional boundaries.

The HRPDC mission is to serve as a forum for local elected officials and chief administrators to deliberate and decide on issues of regional importance; provide the local governments and citizens of Hampton Roads credible and timely planning, research, and analysis on matters of mutual concern; and provide leadership and offer strategies and support services to other public and private, local, and regional agencies, in their efforts to improve the region’s quality of life.

Comprised of local elected officials and administration officials, this organization serves the 1.7 million residents and 17 jurisdictions of the Hampton Roads region regarding topics such as transportation, economics, emergency management, housing, planning, and water resources.

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