Chris Stolle

Former State Delegate, Virginia-83rd District

Water doesn’t care if you’re a Democrat or a Republican. We have an obligation to find solutions that protect the lives and property of our citizens.

Chris Stolle is a former member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Stolle represented the 83rd District from 2010 to 2020. He serves as Vice President of Medical Affairs at Riverside Regional Medical Center, where he acts as a physician advocate, medical advisor to non-physician clinical staff, and liaison between the medical staff and administration. Stolle is a retired Naval Officer, who started his career in the Submarine force, where he qualified as a Naval Nuclear Engineer and later entered the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

Stolle served on the Appropriations Committee (including General Government/Capital Outlay, Health & Human Services, and Transportation Subcommittees), Health, Welfare & Institutions Committee, and the Counties, Cities & Towns Committee, on the Board of Veterans Services, Joint Commission on Health Care, Joint Subcommittee on Coastal Flooding, Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization, and the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission.

Stolle received the 2011 Virginia College of Emergency Physicians Emergency Medicine Heroes Award and Virginia Association of Nursing’s Friend of Nursing Award, the 2013 Virginia Chamber of Commerce Champion of Free Enterprise Award, 2014 Virginia Chamber of Commerce Transportation Reform Advocate Award and Sierra Club Leadership Award, recognizing his efforts to advance the Commonwealth’s initiatives to address recurrent flooding and resiliency, and the 2015 Virginia Chamber of Commerce Military and Veterans Affairs Advocate Award and Virginia Military Officers Association Legislator of the Year Award.

Stolle received his M.B.A. from the College of William and Mary and earned his M.D. at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

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