Emergency Watershed Protection and EWP Floodplain Easement Programs (USDA)

The Emergency Watershed Protection Program is a disaster recovery program that can be used to remove debris, protect eroded streambanks, fix damaged drainage infrastructure, repair levees, restore vegetative cover, buy out properties, and purchase floodplain easements. Does not require a cost share or matching funds Gives special consideration for small communities Allows in-kind services to […]

Public Assistance Program (FEMA)

Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost share requirements Requires a Presidential Disaster Declaration Summary: FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program supports disaster recovery by providing grants for debris removal and life-saving emergency protective measures and restoring public infrastructure. If your community qualifies for repairs through FEMA’s PA Program, you may also be eligible for […]

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA)

FEMA’s post-disaster Hazard Mitigation Grant Program helps communities create and update hazard mitigation plans, and reconstruct and reduce long-term flood risk to properties through buyouts, enforcing building codes, elevation, building retrofits, and floodproofing. Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost share requirements Requires a Presidential Disaster Declaration Application cycle: Communities can apply for this […]

Disaster Supplemental Funding (EDA)

EDA’s Disaster Supplemental Funding can repair infrastructure damaged by flooding, conduct vulnerability assessments to identify future flood risks, fortify infrastructure against current and future flood risks, access revolving loan funds, build local capacity through resilience coordinators, and engage the community to create a collective vision for economic resilience. Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal […]

Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (HUD)

Does not require a cost share or matching funds Summary: Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding is particularly useful for small municipalities because of its broad list of eligible projects. Small municipalities needing funds to recover from a debilitating disaster may benefit from HUD Disaster Recovery grants. A subset of the Community […]

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