Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs (USDA)
Does not require a cost share or matching funds Gives special consideration for small communities Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost share requirements Summary: Small municipalities can leverage the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Water and Environmental Programs (WEP), the federal government’s only set of 10+ programs exclusively focused on the water […]
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (NPS)
Does not require a cost share or matching funds Supports nature-based solutions Application cycle: Applications are due on March 1 of every year. Summary: The National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program provides free, on-location planning and technical assistance expertise that small municipalities can use to support community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor […]
Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Discretionary Grants (DOT)
DOT’s RAISE capital grants fund surface transportation construction projects that improve public infrastructure resilience to flood, weather, and climate risks; with planning grants that support pre-construction activities such as environmental analysis, benefit-cost analysis, feasibility studies, and community engagement. Gives special consideration for small communities Application cycle: January 30, 2025. Summary: The U.S. Department of Transportation’s […]
Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs (EDA)
EDA’s Public Works Program funds the construction, expansion, or upgrade of public infrastructure and facilities. The Economic Adjustment Assistance program funds projects, such as long-term disaster recovery and resiliency plans and upgrades that make infrastructure more resilient, that address diverse economic development needs and prioritize local and regional stakeholders. Allows in-kind services to contribute toward […]
National Coastal Resilience Fund (NFWF)
NFWF’s NCRF helps coastal and Great Lakes communities plan, study the feasibility of, design, permit, engage stakeholders about, and implement large-scale resilience projects to reduce regional threats due to flooding, sea level rise, storm surge, subsidence, and erosion. Does not require a cost share or matching funds Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost […]
Interagency Nonstructural Flood Risk Management Projects (USACE)
Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost share requirements Application cycle: The call for FY 2023 proposals to the USACE District Office occurred in November 2021. Proposals from the USACE District Office were due to the USACE Division Office in March 2022. Summary: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Floodplain Management Services (USACE FPMS) […]
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA)
FEMA’s post-disaster Hazard Mitigation Grant Program helps communities create and update hazard mitigation plans, and reconstruct and reduce long-term flood risk to properties through buyouts, enforcing building codes, elevation, building retrofits, and floodproofing. Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost share requirements Requires a Presidential Disaster Declaration Application cycle: Communities can apply for this […]
Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program (FEMA)
FEMA’s pre-disaster FMA grant program helps communities reduce long-term flood risk for properties with repeated flooding by funding capacity building, project scoping, property buyouts, partnership development, and localized flood risk reduction projects that store or divert floodwaters. Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost share requirements Supports nature-based solutions Application cycle: October 16, 2023 […]
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (EPA)
Gives special consideration for small communities Summary: The EPA’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) provides financial support to small municipalities for projects aimed at preserving the availability of clean drinking water. Small municipalities can leverage funding to incorporate flood resilience measures into efforts to improve, rehabilitate, or replace water infrastructure and create new water […]
Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (HUD)
Does not require a cost share or matching funds Summary: Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding is particularly useful for small municipalities because of its broad list of eligible projects. Small municipalities needing funds to recover from a debilitating disaster may benefit from HUD Disaster Recovery grants. A subset of the Community […]