Emergency Watershed Protection and EWP Floodplain Easement Programs (USDA)

The Emergency Watershed Protection Program is a disaster recovery program that can be used to remove debris, protect eroded streambanks, fix damaged drainage infrastructure, repair levees, restore vegetative cover, buy out properties, and purchase floodplain easements. Does not require a cost share or matching funds Gives special consideration for small communities Allows in-kind services to […]

Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation Program (DOT)

FHWA’s PROTECT grants support planning and implementation activities to make transportation infrastructure, evacuation routes, and coastal infrastructure more resilient to flooding. Does not require a cost share or matching funds Gives special consideration for small communities Supports nature-based solutions Application cycle: October 25, 2024 – February 24, 2025. Summary: The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) […]

Tribal Heritage Grant Program (NPS)

NPS’ Tribal Heritage Grant Program supports Indian Tribes, Alaskan Native Villages and Corporations, and Native Hawaiian Organizations with safeguarding and celebrating their distinct cultural heritage and customs. Grants fund research and project planning, repair and preservation work, and actions to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act. Does not require a cost share or matching […]

Tribal Climate Resilience Annual Awards Program (BIA)

BIA’s Tribal Climate Resilience Annual Awards Program provides assistance for both planning and implementation activities, encompassing activities such as climate adaptation planning, community-driven relocation, partial relocation, ocean and coastal management, and habitat restoration and adaptation initiatives. Does not require a cost share or matching funds Supports nature-based solutions Application cycle: July 17, 2024 – October […]

Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs (USDA)

Does not require a cost share or matching funds Gives special consideration for small communities Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal cost share requirements Summary: Small municipalities can leverage the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Water and Environmental Programs (WEP), the federal government’s only set of 10+ programs exclusively focused on the water […]

Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs (EDA)

EDA’s Public Works Program funds the construction, expansion, or upgrade of public infrastructure and facilities. The Economic Adjustment Assistance program funds projects, such as long-term disaster recovery and resiliency plans and upgrades that make infrastructure more resilient, that address diverse economic development needs and prioritize local and regional stakeholders. Allows in-kind services to contribute toward […]

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (EPA)

Gives special consideration for small communities Summary: The EPA’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) provides financial support to small municipalities for projects aimed at preserving the availability of clean drinking water. Small municipalities can leverage funding to incorporate flood resilience measures into efforts to improve, rehabilitate, or replace water infrastructure and create new water […]

Disaster Supplemental Funding (EDA)

EDA’s Disaster Supplemental Funding can repair infrastructure damaged by flooding, conduct vulnerability assessments to identify future flood risks, fortify infrastructure against current and future flood risks, access revolving loan funds, build local capacity through resilience coordinators, and engage the community to create a collective vision for economic resilience. Allows in-kind services to contribute toward nonfederal […]

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program (FEMA)

FEMA’s pre-disaster BRIC grants fund projects that protect property, critical services, facilities, and infrastructure from hazards such as flooding; fund capacity-building activities that help communities scope projects, form partnerships, and implement building codes; and provide communities with direct technical assistance to ensure they can build successful mitigation programs and submit high-quality applications. Gives special consideration […]

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