Help Me Choose

Which characteristics is your community looking for in funding opportunities?

Prioritizes small communities
While all programs included in this guide may be leveraged by small communities, select federal programs set aside resources specifically for communities with smaller populations.
No cost share
A cost share is the portion of project costs not paid by the federal government. Federal programs may require matching funds to secure a community’s commitment to a project. However, some programs do not require a cost share from smaller communities.
In-kind contributions
Certain federal programs allow communities to count the value of in-kind contributions—e.g., staff labor, services, or materials—toward their nonfederal match requirement. This is a good filter for communities that lack significant cash reserves but can meet the cost share using in-kind services.
Nature-based solutions
The program has a strong focus on providing assistance to promote a healthy ecosystem as a critical defense against flooding impacts. Eligible activities may include floodplain restoration, environmental stewardship, projects that use natural features to mitigate erosion, and living shorelines.
Disaster declaration
A Presidential Disaster Declaration unlocks a suite of federal programs that assist local governments with disaster recovery. This is a good filter for communities included in recent Disaster Declarations related to flooding.

What type of assistance works best for your community?

Data and scoping
The gathering of data and information regarding the extent and impacts of flooding. Eligible activities may include data acquisition, risk assessment, and environmental analysis.
Design and planning
The use of data and information to develop and scope solutions. Eligible activities may include project design, preconstruction planning activities, and feasibility studies.
Includes construction and the implementation of projects and solutions. Eligible activities may include shovel ready projects, stormwater management solutions, and grey and green infrastructure.