Nearly 70% of American homes in high risk flood zones have no flood insurance. And another quarter of the nation’s properties should be listed in high risk zones – but are not. With the National Flood Insurance Program more than $20 billion in debt, shifting risk appropriately to the private market is both smart public policy and increases the availability and affordability of flood insurance for those homeowners.
Lisa Miller is a former Florida Deputy Insurance Commissioner who served as an advisor on passage of Florida’s key laws to encourage the development of a private flood insurance market. Her efforts led to the Private Primary Residential Flood Insurance Model Act of 2020 by NCOIL for other state legislatures to adopt. She has been a leader in promoting Flood Insurance & Resilience and is a recognized disaster insurance and recovery expert.
Ms. Miller is CEO of Lisa Miller & Associates, a Tallahassee, Florida-based government consulting, business development, and public relations firm. She helps clients of all sizes seize the tremendous opportunity for the private market to fill the vacuum of the National Flood Insurance Program and provide consumers improved availability and affordability in flood insurance and greater safety in resiliency.
A passionate consumer advocate, Lisa led the My Safe Florida Home program, a $250 million legislative initiative to encourage Floridians to strengthen their homes against hurricanes. She currently serves as the Governor’s appointment to the Apalachee Regional Planning Council and hosts The Florida Insurance Roundup podcast.