Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

Advocacy Organization

The Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (LCV) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit committed to building the effectiveness of the environmental community. The organization was formed in 2000 and is dedicated to maximizing the participation of conservation-minded voters in public policy decisions made at the state and local levels regarding Maryland’s environment and natural resources.

Maryland LCV Ed Fund programs are designed to strengthen and build the power of the environmental community and expand, deepen, and activate a base of conservation-minded voters around the state. The organization believes that it is vital that voters throughout Maryland be engaged on key issues and that these issues are likely to grow in significance during the coming years.

Maryland LCV Ed Fund helps voters prepare for upcoming elections by releasing guides to aid Marylanders as they make their voting decisions and by hosting Voter Education Townhalls around the state to prepare voters about issues that affect all communities. These issues include energy, climate change, environmental justice, trash and waste pollution, transportation, sea level rise, storm water management, and flooding.

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