Solutions to address flooding

There are a number of big questions leaders have about flooding. We created these tools, guides, and strategies to help answer them. Whether it’s navigating federal funding opportunities or searching for flood projects that would best fit your community’s needs, we offer these carefully crafted resources to help strengthen flood resilience across the country. 

How can I pay for flood projects?

Our Flood Funding Finder is the first tool of its kind that uses a robust filtering system to prioritize the needs of communities and help identify the right federal funding programs to fund flood resilience.

How can multi-cropping reduce flooding?

Multi-cropping can reduce flooding downstream, increase farmers' profits and improve soil health.

Our research with Iowa State University shows how farmers can lead on multi-cropping and protect communities from flooding.  

How can flood resilience create local jobs?

We released a report with Johns Hopkins’ on how every billion dollars invested in flood-resilient infrastructure can create up to 40,000 new jobs and stimulate local economies.

What can my community do right after a disaster?

After a disaster, it can be tough to know where to start, what to prioritize, and how to jumpstart the recovery. These checklists focuses on seven immediate needs for a community during response, and four clear steps for recovery.

Which projects are best for my community?

Each community's ability to recover from flood and plan for the future is different.

We partnered with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Arcadis to create the Adaptation for All tool to help local leaders determine approaches to flooding that work best for them.

How can I leverage infrastructure investments?

The historic bipartisan infrastructure law gave us a once in a generation investment in flood resilience with over $34 billion for flood resilience and billions in funding across other programs.

We've outlined ways communities can leverage this funding.

How can state planners build quality projects?

Our State Resilience Partnership created a flood resilience checklist to help state planners better prepare for flooding.

How can I carry out a state to local technical assistance program?

States are integral partners in building flood resilience locally. Here are four strategies to carry out an effective state-to-local technical assistance program.

How can we drive fair flood policy?

By elevating the voices of underserved communities, policymakers can develop the best policies to address flooding and disaster recovery.

Here are recommendations from our round table of community leaders we convened, on how to build fair flood policy.

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