The City of Coral Springs is a 25 square-mile, South Florida community of approximately 126,000 residents, located at the edge of beautiful Everglades National Park. Coral Springs is a family-friendly community, boasting 49 City parks, 22 public schools and a multitude of outdoor festivals, activities and events.
Environmental stewardship and commitment to protect and conserve natural resources is one of the City’s core values. Recognizing that an important responsibility of City government is to remain a sustainable, environmentally-friendly community, the City earned gold-level certification under the Florida Green Building Coalition’s Florida Green Local Government designation program in July 2018.
The City of Coral Springs is committed to protecting its community from sea level rise and related flooding. Coral Springs works with local and regional partners to develop the City’s resiliency and mitigation strategies to address sea level rise. Additionally, the City participates in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System, which rewards communities for implementing programs above the minimum requirements of the NFIP. The City regularly raises awareness of flooding, methods of flood protection and prevention through various media platforms.